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Canada: London, Ontario Mosques Launch City’s First Muslim Soup Kitchen

Canada: London, Ontario Mosques Launch City’s First Muslim Soup Kitchen

Members of the Muslim communities of London, Canada, announced that they will be opening the city’s first Muslim-run soup kitchen. The kitchen, launched in collaboration of numerous mosques and Islamic centres in the city, will open at the Hyatt Mosque on Saturdays, helping less fortunate Londoners of all faiths and none.

In the past, local Muslim communities also worked with local churches and Christian charities.

The soup kitchen will open on July 4

The new soup kitchen, centred at the city’s Hyatt Mosque, will launch on July 4 and is expected to run every Saturday. The plan is to have it run for an hour or at least until the food runs out. The new project was launched through the cooperation of the Hyatt Mosque, the London Muslim Mosque, the Islamic Centre of Southwestern Ontario, the Muslim Association of Canada and the North London Islamic Centre.

It will be the city’s first Muslim-run food kitchen.

Before then, the mosque ran a food kitchen in collaboration with the Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul Society. It also served food at Mission Services and the Salvation Army.

Volunteers from the mosques said that in the past, the soup kitchen used to serve women who used “My Sister’s Place”. However, the volunteers decided that they want their efforts to include men and children as well.

The food itself is provided by a number of local restaurants. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, it will be take-away only.

Zeba Hashmi, one of the volunteers, said that they want to serve whoever is hungry and needs food.

“There is a crisis in terms of poverty, in terms of families not having enough food to eat in this city. As Muslims, it’s part of our faith, and it’s part of other faiths as well, to help those in need,” Hashmi said.

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